Bartica celebrates Emancipation Day with series of activities

Some contestants of the Miss Emancipation Pageant (Bartica)

 Bartica is in the midst of a five-day celebration to commemorate Emancipation Day, which began on July 28 and will conclude on August 1, under the theme “Embracing the Motherland, with the Embodiment of the African Culture”.

According to Kenneth Williams, Regional Chairman of Region Seven, the events being hosted by the Bartica Emancipation Committee, seek to celebrate emancipation while educating people, both young and old, about the path taken to get to the state of economic development they enjoy.

“We are basically seeking to go back to the place where we recognize the strain, struggles and the hardships our foreparents suffered. The Emancipation 2023 activities aim to help us realise where we came from and allow us to acknowledge what they went through to allow us to enjoy all the privileges that we have now,” Williams said.