Adjusting to new-mom friends

Maybe it’s just my friends circle, but it currently feels as if everyone and their mother has a baby or one on the way and as much as I would like to tell myself and you the friendships will remain the same with just some extra planning; they evolve in a such a way that requires you  to be re-introduced to a 2.0 version of your friend.

At the risk of sounding as if I am competing with  a baby, it feels sometimes that to an extent you have officially lost your pre-mom friend forever, as conversations get constantly interrupted by curious toddlers inspecting their environment at brunch. Your friends’ restless minds may be defeated by mom guilt and outings turn to full-fledged strategy planning for fuss-free situation diffusers. And how can anything really be the same if the support pillars that your friendship has been built on don’t have enough strength to hold new weight. It is only natural that we recognise and accept the new codes of nurturing the friendship requires.