Quadrangular Masters football set for today 

An Invitational Masters football festival involving four teams is set for the Georgetown Football Club ground today. (Youman Nabi holiday).

The over 55s round-robin event will be contested among Pele Masters, Linden Masters, Club 45 and RastafarEye Patriarchs. The line-up of each team will also include four players between the ages of 50 and 54, but only two could be on the pitch during a game.

At stake will be a number of trophies donated by friends of the Guyana Football Association of Masters (GUYFAM ). Among the donors are Snooks Jewellery of Linden, Golden Smile, Mark Shurland of Atlanta, as well as past hockey players Ivor Thompson, Dexter Wyles and Dr. Claude Gooding of California.