`You can go all the way to the top’

Minister of Culture, Youth & Sport, Charles Ramson Jr., took first strike as the Janet Jagan Birth Anniversary Schoolgirls windball cricket competition bowled off at the National Gymnasium yesterday

By Michaelangelo Jacobus

Schoolgirls participating in this year’s Janet Jagan birth anniversary windball tournament can go all the way to the top.

So said Minister of Culture, Youth and Sport Charles Ramson Jr., who told participants of the various teams that if they were looking for inspiration, or someone to emulate, they needed to look no further than the late President of the Co-operative Republic of Guyana, Janet Jagan.

“Associate yourself with the tournament and former President Janet Jagan knowing that you can go all the way to the top. You can get and do any job there is,” said Ramson Jr., whilst delivering the feature address at the National Gymnasium.