Greens and Golds 5: World Dance Tour: an unforgettable experience

The annual performance production Greens and Golds 5 for 2023, under the theme and title “World Dance Tour” enthralled the audience on October 28 last at the Critchlow Labour College.  The full house was electrified by an impressive grand opera of dance; not demonstrations of full choreography in all cases, but an overall treatment of the theme. Every piece seemed driven by relentless energy and an entertaining illustration of the colour, culture and traditions of world dance. One half of the programme was the performance of the play Anansi by Alistair Campbell.

One cannot say there was full representation of world dance –  that scope was far too wide. It would not have been feasible to even attempt it. What was presented was amazing and informative; a variety of living presentations of several regional and cultural backgrounds. The production as a whole was exceedingly strong; so no one could justifiably complain if some pieces were superficial, or could be no more than minor choreographies, because of the unbelievable scope of subjects covered and the overwhelming volume of work achieved.