Kamarang cannot be ignored

The recently renovated and recommissioned Village Guest House funded by Carbon Credit Funds

On the far too few occasions when Kamarang gets a mention in the mainstream media, those references, rarely, if ever, suitably contextualize the significance of the community. Located at the confluence of the Kamarang and Upper Mazaruni rivers, Kamarang is an Amerindian village, arguably, less well known to the wider Guyana community than other more frequently talked about interior communities. That said, the natural beauty of Kamarang holds its own in terms of its unique offerings to interior lovers, its splendid greenery, rugged terrain and attractive, rolling rivers making it a tourist haven that is yet to secure its merited official attention. The Stabroek Business’ recent visit to Kamarang had been influenced by one of those flashes of awareness that we, the media, that is, are, perhaps, doing a less than merited job in our coverage of interior communities.