Venezuelans should not be allowed here without visa – AFC

While restating its support for a unified national position on the border controversy, the Alliance For Change (AFC) has said again that Venezuelan migrants should not be allowed to enter the country without a visa.

In a statement on Friday, the AFC said that it continues to be seriously concerned regarding the PPP/C Government’s handling of the influx of Venezuelans into Guyana’s territory “which poses a severe existential threat to all Guyana”.

It said that confirmed reports highlight a “recent unexplained and definite increase in Venezuelans arriving undocumented in boats”, jumping of out of buses after being taken into police custody while at the same time an aggressive international campaign is in motion by Caracas. It said that the Venezuelan Vice President Delcy Rodriguez’s very “vocal pronouncements have informed us of their deliberate strategy to annex Guyana’s Essequibo region. No mincing of their words there and to all this, our government’s response has been nothing less than lukewarm”, the opposition party said.