An Evolving Menu

Definitely making our traditional plait bread for sandwiches, toast and more (Photo by Cynthia Nelson)

Let’s gyaff! What are you thinking about for the Christmas menu? Come on, don’t pretend that you have not been thinking about it: this year, I want to make… this year, I want to buy a… this year I want to try making… And not to be neglected is, this year, I ain’t doing a thing! I am going on a cruise. I am eating out at a restaurant. It is noteworthy how at various stages of our lives, and where we are at in our lives, priorities shift and change, for a variety of reasons. I know that that is true for me.

I like all the smells of the holidays – the aroma escaping the bubbling pot of Pepperpot, the savouriness of ham mingled with the cloves and jam as it bakes lazily in the oven, and the tantalising sizzle of Garlic pork. Not to be outdone, is the fruity ginger beer that’s like a fresh breeze as you inhale before taking a sip. And the cake, yes (said in a whisper), that dark, dense, rich drunken pudding. All good. All a taste of home, regardless of where you are.