Opposition calls 6.5% pay increase ‘ridiculous’

The Opposition is not at all impressed with announced pay increase for public servants pointing out that it is below the current inflation rate and as such cannot relieve the high cost of living.

A release yesterday from the Office of the Leader of the Opposition referred to the 6.5 per cent increase in the 2023 pay for public servants announced by Finance Minister Dr Ashni Singh on Friday as “ridiculous”, adding that it should shame any government with a “modicum of decency and sensibility.”

It pointed out however, that the PPP/C seemed immune from any such emphatic sentiment. “But not the PPP/C. They see political gain and virtue in keeping workers and citizens poor and dependent.” The release noted that the “pitiful” 6.5 per cent is so small, that it represents less than one per cent of the government’s current budget of $782 billion.