Soca artist Teija Edwards is memorable

Teija Edwards in her element

Teija Edwards had harboured a dream of becoming an astro-nomer, driven by her fascination with the stars and the vastness of the universe. However, as she navigated the challenges of her science classes, she found it difficult to retain the material, prompting her to question whether astronomy was truly her life’s calling.

Engaging in a thoughtful contemplation, Edwards recognised a distinct skill set within herself—an innate ability to connect with people, something she genuinely enjoyed. While teaching briefly crossed her mind, she concluded that the profession demanded patience, a quality she admitted was not her strongest suit.

Upon further introspection, Edwards unearthed a passion for the arts. This newfound love led her to an unexpected avenue where she would shine: the world of performance. Edwards’s journey into public performance gained momentum at Fumacon, an event tailored for cosplay lovers. Embracing the stage for the first time as a host and performer, she was met with a positive reception from the crowd. The organisers offered simple advice: “Be yourself and engage the crowd.” This guidance marked the beginning of her artistic exploration and a promising future in the world of entertainment.