Social support officers graduate from USAID training

Seated from left to right: UK Deputy High Commissioner, Judy Omasan Kpogho; USAID Y-RIE Guyana Country Director, Tiffany Daniels; USAID Y-RIE Chief of Party, Phelps Feeley; United States Ambassador to Guyana and CARICOM, Nicole Theriot; Minister of Human Services and Social Security, Dr. Vindhya Persaud; USAID General Development Specialist, Chloe Noble; Training Facilitators Kaiesha Douglas-Perry and Lauristan Choy pose with social support officers (teachers, guidance counsellors, social service officers, probation officers, youth support officers) who completed capacity building.

USAID’s Youth Resilience, Inclusion and Empowerment (Y-RIE) Programme’s six-month pivotal Frontline Workers Training and Practicum culminated with the graduation of 83 social support officers, better prepared to work with youth. 

At the graduation ceremony yesterday, United States Ambassador Nicole Theriot, UK Deputy High Commissioner, Judy Omasan Kpogho, and Minister of Human Services and Social Security, Dr. Vindhya Persaud joined the graduates, officials from the Ministries of Education and Health, and guests from public and private sector entities.