Ending the Christmas season

I may not be ending the year on the best of footing as I am giving you a republished piece. But it is a ‘golden oldie’ that is still relevant and if we are to get down to the nitty gritty today is ‘Old Year’s Day’ after all. We all will be thinking about what is discussed below the day after tomorrow. And I am sure we all will be sharing the same sentiments expressed by the sister. This year I paced myself well and was not overburdened and thankfully I got tremendous help from my husband. In fact, he led the preparation and I followed. It felt good! Last year I got ill and I believe it was from exhaustion and I was not going to allow it to happen again. As we enter the New Year let us strive to self-care some more, there is nothing selfish about this. After all, as the saying goes you can’t pour from an empty glass. Don’t set too high goals, just pledge to be positive and everything else should fall into place. Whatever you want to achieve this year, work on it but don’t become totally consumed and not enjoy the journey. Happy New Year, sisters!

“You know I don’t really get to enjoy me fairy lights and Christmas decorations because now is time to tek down and is like only the other day I put them up,” Marian said with some amount of genuine disappointment.

She and I were having a casual conversation, but when she brought the topic up I decided to write about it. I am always amazed at the amount of energy most of us expend on decorating our homes for the season, ensuring that this is done close to Christmas Day or on Christmas Eve night! It means that these decorations are only up for about two weeks and for those who do not observe the 12 days of Christmas and take them down just after New Year’s Day, shorter.