Trinidad  singer threatens to migrate because of crime

FILE: Members of the Voix Riches choir join Yung Bredda on stage to perform their collaboration To The Top—a song inspired by his mother and late grandmother, which opens the 3/10 album. Pictures courtesy Overtime Media

(Trinidad Guardian) Local entertainer Akhenathon “Yung Bredda” Lewis is calling out citizens, in particular fellow artistes, for their silence on the crime situation.


He said the violence had become so frightening that he may consider leaving this country and taking his family and talents elsewhere.


During an Instagram live earlier this week, the Ambiance singer said it seemed like his team was the only one promoting positivity.


“Nobody ain’t doing nothing boy … where all the rest of people who God-fearing boy, why allyuh (sic) not standing up boy … where all the rest of artiste and them boy, why they not standing up boy, nobody doh care about Trinidad awa,” he asked viewers disappointedly.


Yung Bredda, who is originally from Sea Lots and gained notoriety in 2019 during the COVID-19 pandemic, said he could not risk anything happening to him because he has to take care of his family. He said he does not mind taking his We Outside mix somewhere else.


“I cah let my mother cry … you never know, this thing so serious, I could be liming on the block normal, normal and a car pull up and just start to spray because watch where we living, we living in a red zone,” he said.


He said even with this reality, he still tries to steer the youth along the right path.


“We still there, doing right and trying to spread the light and open the youths eyes boy … but it reaching to a point where we go cah stay they, you go have to go somewhere else because I starting to get frighten,” the entertainer said.


The 25-year-old recalled an incident where an innocent man was killed during a drive-by shooting, after he ran out to call children inside. He said he would have done the same thing.


“It scary dawg,” he said.


And while he said he will always represent the red, white and black, if the crime situation continues, Yung Bredda said he and his family will have to migrate to another country.


“I will go out there and sing my a** off until my voice go and pay rent for my family to live boy,” he said.


Yung Bredda said he would love T&T from a distance.