Taste of home, still the best

Plantain Porridge made with fresh green plantains (Photo by Cynthia Nelson)

Tastes Like Home is 17 years old today.

There are certain conversations that seem to be a right of passage to indulge in when we attain a certain age – body aches and pains, energy, weight, and our diet. Over the holidays, I found myself in the midst of one such conversation. The stories told were hilarious – from sitting on the floor and struggling to get up, to walking into rooms and not remembering why, to realising that we can’t eat some things too late in the evening. It ain’t all bad though, there is wisdom, clarity and a strong sense of self. As we talked about food and our daily diet, I was reminded why I started this column in the first place. I was missing home. As I shared about the cuisine of my homeland, not for the first time, I felt privileged at the access and variety readily available. And more importantly how healthy our everyday food is.