Modelled petroleum metrics of the key drivers of the Buxton Proposal, an UBI mechanism for the Americas fastest rising Petrostate Part 7


In today’s column I commence an elaboration, in two parts, of the modeling of the petroleum metrics that undergird the Buxton Proposal. As readers are well aware, the descriptor, Buxton Proposal, has been put forward as a Universal Basic Income, UBI mechanism, which I am urging, constitutes, potentially, the most effective social protection measure for eradicating Guyana’s stubbornly embedded monetary income poverty. The two parts mentioned above, cover respectively, 1] the key drivers of Guyana’s nationally determined oil output capability and 2] their key performance indicators, KPI’s, for Guyana’s oil and gas industry.

To facilitate this two-part task, I have prepared a Template [see Schedule1 below], which lays out the modality that I intend to employ in pursuit of the first part of the two-part task referred to above. At this point, some readers might recall that I had utilized a similar Template in laying out the schema I employed for the Guyana Petroleum Road Map, which I had crafted to guide the emergence of Guyana as Americas fastest rising Petrostate.