Disabled by domestic violence, Natasha Houston needs help with house

“I just desperate for a proper house to live in, that is all I dream about right now and I just wish somebody could listen and hear and help we out. Me husband does work hard and we really trying but we don’t have enough money to build a proper house.”

The words of 31-year-old Nazalena Natasha Houston who over the last almost 11 years has been making a slow climb in returning her life to some form normalcy since a fateful July 31, 2013 that changed her life forever. That was the day the father of her two children, Richard Lord, went on a rampage and chopped her mercilessly but more horrifically he also killed their two young children, Kimberley and Saif. He later took his own life.

She sadly pointed out that had her children still been alive her daughter would have been 17 years old now, and her son 14.