With regional food security on the CARICOM front burner agenda…Guyana, Jamaica aiming at upgraded dairy sectors

Seemingly mindful not to get left behind in what is now a region-wide focus on upgrading the food security bona fides of CARICOM countries, Jamaica is making significant investments in technology associated with the strengthening of its dairy industry. The country’s Agriculture Minister, Floyd Green, is quoted in the January 27th issue of the Jamaica Observer as saying that it is  investing $J1.2 billion in the re-development of the country’s Bodles Agriculture Research Station, as part of a “wider research and development drive by the Jamaican Government to help revive the country’s dairy industry.” Green, according to The Observer article, has conceded that there had been a lack of investment in the dairy industry in Jamaica over two decades, asserting that the envisaged investment boost will target “new equipment and improved human resource capacity.” The initiative, he said, “should be churning out research in agriculture and, in particular, the dairy industry over the next three years.”