Guyana open to exploring oil and gas cooperation with Trinidad, Suriname at its own pace – Jagdeo

As Trinidad and Tobago urges collaboration with Guyana to ensure regional energy security, Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo says that this country will continue to explore cooperation with the twin island republic and Suriname as immediate demand is for refined petroleum products which it doesn’t have.

“I do believe there are synergies between Guyana, Trinidad and Suriname and that is why we are always leaving options open [for] the possibilities of collaborating in these areas because they can deal more with the production and processing of gas etc. The other countries are small and have more demand for refined products … So we will have to look, in the future, at how we can deal with those,” said the Vice President, who also holds responsibility for energy policies, when asked about this country’s plans for regional energy security.

“We get our oil share in the form of crude …we can do tolling at some stage when we become more sophisticated, have it refined and brought back maybe … but that is as you get more crude and are more sophisticated,” he added.