Summing up on the affordability of the Buxton Proposal, an UBI mechanism proposed for Guyana


As titled, today’s column sums up my efforts since January 28 to assess the sustainability of Guyana’s oil and gas explosive growth. This determines the intrinsic affordability of the Buxton Proposal, the UBI mechanism that I recommend for Guyana to confront its embedded poverty. I argue, that in essence this is a function of four economic drivers whose metrics have been generally, already modeled. These are revealed in the text and chart below:

1.    Guyana’s assessed oil and gas resources and estimated reserves,
      given technology

2.    Guyana’s oil opportunity as determined by the United Nations
      global climate transition ambition

3.    Guyana Government Take under the prevailing Production
      Sharing Agreement, PSA

4.   Industry estimated /modelled operating cost ratios