Being a lily in the swamp

“As unbelievable as it sounds, my mother does not support me furthering my education. I don’t know what it is but not only her, other family members would say things like ‘studying too much would make you go mad’ and I just can’t comprehend how my family could think like that.”

The words of a young woman who is in her twenties, attending university and also working. She is very focused on her goals and knows what she wants in life but has had to battle all her life just to move from one day to the other. Those close to her, even her mother, do not understand her desire to rise above poverty.

“I know a long time that it will take education to get me from that point in my life. I knew I didn’t want to just be somebody’s baby mother and live in the same house I grew up in like all my cousins and even my siblings. I knew I wanted more, but the hardest thing was them not understanding why I wanted more.