To make a mark

Plants claim a spot, put down roots and make their mark (Image by jcomp on Freepik)

When a small seed sprouts, it identifies its place with leaves, thin roots and a small green stem. As time progresses, the sapling feeds on water, nutrients and sunlight to expand itself and secure its spot with an air of permanence. Soon, it will grow strong enough to not only build itself, but also to begin giving back to the environment around it. There will be flowers or fruits and rich green leaves that will fill the space that the plant has claimed, and it will not end its life cycle before having changed the spot where it first appeared.

Every birth marks the beginning of a new life. When a plant is born, it claims a small plot of space to make its mark. In the case of human beings, however, our marks are made in a different way. Our marks are made in the way we interact with people and in the skills we use to change the world. Our marks are the way people remember us when we are gone. Our marks are what we leave behind for our children and our grandchildren who will come after us.