No vendor being moved from seawall but everybody has to comply with rules – Edghill

Minister Juan Edghill speaking to the vendors (Ministry of Public Works photo)

By Mia Anthony

Minister of Public Works, Juan Edghill yesterday met with vendors who ply their trade along the seawall between Camp Road and Vlissengen Road and he told them that those with a permit will continue to vend as long as they are in compliance with the vending agreement.

The meeting which was scheduled to begin at 2 pm got underway at 3:50 pm. When the minister arrived he apologized for his lateness as he had been on a flight.

He immediately began to inform the vendors of the plans in place for the seawall. He said “every person who would have received a permit from the sea defence board to vend on the seawall will continue,  “contrary to the misinformation that was being peddled by a few sources, everyone that has a licence that is in compliance with the “mobile rule” will remain, he declared.