Robbery accused claims self defence

A man who appeared before Magistrate Sherdel Isaacs-Marcus on Wednesday charged with robbery under arms, pleaded guilty, but offered an explanation of acting in self defence, evidence of which, he claimed, was captured on CCTV.

It is alleged that on April 13, 2024 on Avenue of the Republic in the vicinity of the New Building Society, Grenville Odele, while armed with a cutlass, robbed Andrew Peter Noble of one Samsung galaxy phone valued $27,000 a gold ring valued $36,000 and $40,000 in cash, total value $103,000.

The prosecution told the court that Noble and the defendant were not known to each other. On the date in question around 22:45 hrs, the court heard, Noble was walking along Avenue of the Republic when the defendant approached him from behind and dealt him a chop to his right hand causing Noble to fall to the ground. Then, the defendant pushed his hand into Noble’s pockets, took the items and fled.