Ramsay Ali re-elected as head of manufacturers association

Ramsay Ali

Ramsay Ali, Chief Executive Officer of Sterling Products Limited has been re-elected unopposed as President of  the Guyana Manufacturing and Services Association (GMSA).

A GMSA press release yesterday said that on April 18, 2024, thirteen board directors were elected through an electronic voting process by members who attended in-person, and on May 2, 2024, the President, three Vice-Presidents and Treasurer were elected. The remaining members were elected to form the Board of Directors inclusive of Chairpersons of the various Sub- Sectors.

Ali will be supported by Roseann Bulkan, Showroom Manager of Bulkan Timber Works as First Vice President; Vasudeo Singh, Group Finance Director & Deputy Chief Executive Officer of Demerara Distillers Ltd. as Second Vice President and Treasurer and Rafeek Khan, Managing Director of Durable Wood Products Inc. as Third Vice President.

Ali’s professional career began in 1988 with a background in sales and marketing. Over the years he has worked with entities such as Colgate Palmolive, Banks DIH Ltd., and then Sterling Products Limited.