A major victory for Palestine

Dear Editor,

In what can only be described as a major victory, the UNGA by an overwhelming majority vote backed Palestine’s bid for full UN membership.  The vote grants and expands the rights and privileges in its status at the UN.

Guyana stood on the right side of history with its ‘yes’ vote.

The Security Council now has to reconsider Palestine’s bid, but this might face opposition with those who opposed the resolution and have veto powers.

The chagrin, visible annoyance and anger to the vote outcome was seen by the Israeli UN representative, when at the podium delivering remarks, he shredded miniature copies of the UN Charter.  Does this act warrant some form of reprisal by the UN or would there be a response, were this to happen, as in the case of ICC?

Someday the state of Palestine will come into its own and the wind will carry the laughter of its people instead of their scream.

Yours faithfully,

Shamshun Mohamed