Trinidad: Young father says he fought to save son after car exploded

Justin Francette at his Cito Lane, Tabaquite, home yesterday.
Justin Francette at his Cito Lane, Tabaquite, home yesterday.

(Trinidad Guardian) “I didn’t kill my son,” Justin Francette whis­pered yes­ter­day as he re­count­ed how he fought to free his dy­ing son from the flames that en­gulfed his car fol­low­ing an ex­plo­sion on Fri­day.

Prince Francette, 3, died af­ter suf­fer­ing burns to 100 per cent of his body.

Francette, 22, who was in­ter­viewed at his home on Cito Lane, Tabaquite, where the ac­ci­dent oc­curred, de­nied that his son had fall­en asleep in the car. He said Prince was play­ing on the back seat when the car ex­plod­ed. The force of the ex­plo­sion flung him about 10 feet away, while Prince re­mained trapped in­side the car.

Francette could not hold back the tears as he said: “Peo­ple say­ing I kill my son but this is not true. I tried my best to save him. He was my life. I love him like I nev­er loved any­one else. There were two things I loved, my son and my car and now both are gone.”

The car in which the infant was burnt.

He said he has not been able to sleep and is haunt­ed by videos of his son’s dy­ing mo­ments which have been post­ed on so­cial me­dia.

Francette and his wife, Maria Granger, sep­a­rat­ed af­ter on­ly six months af­ter mar­riage when Prince was just a few months old. On the day the child died, Francette said he took Prince to en­rol him at the Tabaquite Sev­enth Day Ad­ven­tist pre-school.

“He was com­ing to live with me soon. He loved stick­ing up un­der me. Any­thing I was do­ing he was there help­ing me,” he said.

On the day of the ac­ci­dent, Francette said he spent the day play­ing and hav­ing fun with his son.

“His hair had got­ten loose and he said, ‘Dad­dy come and comb my hair, look how ug­ly I look­ing’,” Francette re­called.

He said he braid­ed his son’s hair and showed him how hand­some he was in the mir­ror.

Short­ly af­ter­wards, Francette went out­side to work on the Nis­san March he had pur­chased the day be­fore. He said Prince clam­bered in­side the car.

Dianna Stewart-Garcia recalls the moments she spent with her grandson three-year-old Prince Francette who lost his life when his father’s car exploded.

“I was there with him. He was hap­py and smil­ing. Then I no­ticed a small bit of fire in the back seat in the area where the gas tank is. Be­fore I could pull him out, the whole car ex­plod­ed, pitch­ing me out.”

Francette said he tried to open the door to get to Prince but it was jammed.

“I tried to break the glass. I bawled for my moth­er to come. She was bathing. Then I freaked out on the ground,” he said.

He said neigh­bours came and start­ed throw­ing wa­ter in the car as the dy­ing tod­dler whim­pered.

“While I lay there on the ground, I could hear my son cry­ing,” he said.

The boy’s grand­moth­er, Di­ana Stew­art-Gar­cia, said they called an am­bu­lance and the para­medics ad­vised them not to move the boy or touch him be­cause his clothes could get stuck on­to his skin. Stew­art-Gar­cia said it took 45 min­utes for the am­bu­lance to ar­rive. Doc­tors tried in vain to save the tod­dler but he died.

Stew­art-Gar­cia said she was hor­ri­fied that in their mo­ment of trau­ma, some­one close to them record­ed the or­deal and post­ed it on so­cial me­dia.

“Please peo­ple, have a heart. Have a lit­tle love in your heart. In­stead of try­ing to help us in some way, you de­cide to tape it? And then you post it?

“Peo­ple to­day try to mash up re­la­tion­ships rather than to save re­la­tion­ships. No­body knows what we go­ing through now. It feels like a dream. I am hap­py he was with us when he died. He was hap­py with us. We loved him and he loved us,” she said.

Stew­art-Gar­cia said she wants Na­tion­al Fam­i­ly Ser­vices to pro­vide coun­selling for the fam­i­ly. She said Francette is in­con­solable and her nine-year-old son Cur­tis and daugh­ter, Callana Gar­cia, were trau­ma­tized af­ter see­ing their nephew burnt alive.

Po­lice said an au­top­sy will be done to­mor­row. Of­fi­cers from the Bras­so po­lice sta­tion, in­clud­ing Cpl Combs and PC’s Singh and Jones, are con­tin­u­ing in­ves­ti­ga­tions.