A. A. Fenty

About A. A. Fenty



Articles by A. A. Fenty

Frankly Speaking:Respecting what constitution?

Get an Education? Why? A man-in-the-street definition of “Constitution”? That would be: the manner, character, or set of fundamental principles, laws, precepts and prescribed intentions on which any state (Guyana) is organized and governed.

Frankly Speaking-Conning and fleecing your own? No!

-And a plan for Senior-Citizen Pensioners My age of caution and my preference not to rush to print or judgement with regard to unfolding public scandal and reports of corruption – alleged or real – rein in my ability to ‘buse out national figures with the gusto, alacrity and frequency with which others do.

Frankly Speaking

‘Wealth without work’? And my usual Easter musings Sometimes I am given to quoting the more intellectual and analytical views and points made by other more learned local writers who qualify themselves for much more profundity than that of which I am capable. 

Frankly Speaking

Achievement! Recognition! Then what? Our young Calypsonians challenge Besides this being one of my “lazy days” when I’ll quote heavily from one of my favourite controversial sources, today’s offering which will no doubt be familiar to my regulars, is informed by the fact that February is the African-American-inspired “Black History/African Heritage Month.”

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