Ian McDonald

About Ian McDonald



Articles by Ian McDonald

Easy to feel despair about mankind

In his great book Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire Edward Gibbon, in writing about the reign of Titus Pius, commented in passing that history was “little more than the register of the crimes, follies, and misfortunes of mankind.”

Frogs in the pot

I remember having an interesting discussion with an old Jesuit priest in which I wondered whether a number of venial sins committed could ever add up to being as bad as one mortal sin.

The Samurai’s Songs

A day is dulled and dimmed if it passes and I do not pick up a book of poems in my library, browse in some anthology, find a new poem in the latest issue of Poetry Review or The New Yorker or some other magazine or at least before my eyes shut glance at some old favourite lines from Hopkins, Walcott, Yeats, Carter or a score of other supreme masters of the art and craft of making poems.

The pursuit of beauty

Sometimes I travel up the Essequibo River to spend weekends in a house set on the bank in a clearing of white sand cut from the jungle. 


Nowadays I really only travel in the mind. Many blessings – no security checks; no immigration or customs hassle, instantaneous arrival at fascinating destinations.

Vital aspects of life

Consider these aspects: ●             The bedrock of marriage – You can generally recognize a good marriage, but it is hard to tie down the details. 

How champions burn out

The saddest sight in sport is to observe a marvelous athlete not so much go into decline as suddenly burn-out before one’s eyes.

It is all a dream

I had a vivid dream of my father. When they come in dreams my mother and my father seem very real and I reach out to them.

Inconsolable loss

At eighty eight years of age one must expect to factor attendance at funerals into one’s monthly (weekly?)

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