John Warrington

About John Warrington



Articles by John Warrington

Thinking Small

There are many kinds of plants which produce dwarf forms naturally due to things like altitude, lack of water, poor soil and swampy conditions. 

Trees should have balance

The rains can be very welcome to the gardener, but large trees can have very serious problems when they have to carry enormous weights of water on their limbs and leaves during the rainy season.

Try Citrus in containers

Well over a century ago the British Admiralty required all naval vessels to carry stocks of limes as part of the food intake for sailors to prevent them suffering from scurvy, a nasty horrible disease related to Vitamin C deficiency which could immobilise an entire ship’s company. It

A popular tropical flowering shrub

The ixora is one of the most popular of flowering shrubs of the tropics, and in particular the dwarf forms which have gained enormously in popularity in the last twenty years or so, as their potential for use in the sunny hot spots in the garden have been realised.

By John Warrington

A preoccupation with size

A Gardener’s Diary Gardeners in present day Britain are experiencing a fairly new phenomenon: a preoccupation with size which has got to competition level.

By John Warrington

Our debt to plants

I was interested to read that gardeners throughout Britain are being urged to collect and save trimmings of their yew trees (Taxus baccata) for processing into the anti-cancer drug, Taxol.

John Warrington

A word about climbers

A Gardener’s Diary A few words about climbers, an invaluable group of plants which can cover up anything unsightly like concrete, soften the most angular of structures,  and  raise the general level of flowering plants in the garden.  The

John Warrington

Worms are generally a good sign

A Gardener’s Diary I suppose that introducing the subject of worms just after breakfast on a Sunday morning is not quite the done thing, but the interesting thing is that they are very garden friendly. 

A Gardener’s Diary…

The laboratory is replacing the potting shed Over the past few weeks I have dealt with some aspect of the propagation of plants, and it’s  obvious to me that there is no part of a plant which cannot be utilized for propagation, for the simple reason that every living cell possesses the genetic information of its parents.

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