The Last Word

The ready body

The apparent natural path to follow that guarantees a fulfilled life for any woman, according to society’s standards, entails becoming a mother.

Style pickings for 2017

Believe it or not but my wallet hasn’t made way for trends this summer neither have I participated in  the spring cleaning ritual most fashionistas swear by.

Fashion’s new law via France

There was excitement at seeing Marine Le Pen defeated by the ever-so-hot Emmanuel Macron, who also happens to be 39 (I know), in France’s recently held elections.

Making Sense of Met Gala

In a world where everything as it relates to fashion has become ordinary and lacklustre, the Met Gala is one of the few events that fashion enthusiasts look forward to.

Digital era style- Part 1

When it comes to authentic personal choice and choosing what we want to wear, sometimes it isn’t as personal as we may perceive it or want it to be.

Dancehall fashion: A closer look

When most people hear of or contemplate on ‘bashment’ music most commonly known as dancehall music, they tend to associate it with violence, vulgarity and uncouthness.

Racial implications

About two weeks ago I read about an incident that took place in Canal Number One Polder, West Bank Demerara which resulted in Dameion Gordon and Vernon Beckles enduring a merciless beating and verbal abuse (inclusive of racial slurs being thrown at them).

Missoni 2017 Fall/Winter Collection - Famous pink pussycat hats

Fashion, feminism and the future

Throughout this current political season where populist movements are seemingly growing thicker than wild bush and misogyny is ripe within American politics, I constantly find myself reflecting on how this will influence fashion and the industry at large.

Lisa Hanna and social media

In an era where image combined with the fitting use of social media garners immense likeability and public approval, it should come as no surprise that politicians are using this recipe to grow and strengthen their political careers.

An individual costume from the Digicel 2015 float

Talking Mashramani

Substance and value will never go out of style. They can be intimidated by trends, but trends are exactly what they claim to be and temporary.

Fashion model Ollie Henderson wears her activism on her chest as part of her label House of Rio.

Activism and fashion

Earlier this week I came across an article in The Guardian titled “Sex doesn’t sell anymore, activism does”.

A new era in consumerism

I am considering deactivating my Facebook account for a while. The social media platform, which happens to be my daily source of constant news updates is, I believe, starting to have a negative effect on my psyche.

US First Lady Melania Trump at her husband’s inauguration ball.

Melania Trump wears home designed on ‘first day’

I stayed away from the television last Friday. I knew seeing Donald Trump being sworn as the 45th President of the United States would have driven me up a wall even further as I already find his politics to be burdensome and aggravating.

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