Water at Linden is contaminated

Dear Editor,

While according to the Guyana Water Inc. they are grappling with getting their act together so as to bring a tolerable and stable water service to the Linden Community, a greater danger looms, typhoid! This water disease has for some time now afflicted residents, with the Linden municipality health department warning the community to boil the contaminated water and it seems to be spreading once again, causing justifiable alarm.

From no water to brown water to contaminated water! A random check will show approximately 2-3 out of ten who visit the doctor are diagnosed with this disease, and children appear to be the vulnerable ones, indeed a serious case for concern. But worse than that is that anyone or parents wanting a test must do so at a private clinic at a cost of $800 – $1000 per test since for whatever reason one cannot have it done at the hospital complex. Quite recently a group of people conducting a survey testing water used in homes have found the water having no chlorine, samples which they have shown to occupants at a number of homes. But doesn’t Guyana Water Inc. ever get on TV/Press with explanations, warnings and precautionary measures to its consumers that it sends ridiculously high bills to?

The relevant authorities need to check.

Yours faithfully,

Frank Fyffe

Editor’s note

We are sending a copy of this letter to Guyana Water Inc for any comments they may wish to make.