Angry about treatment of Ranvanlee Chan

Dear Editor,

I could not help but get really angry when I read the letter from attorney-at-law, Mr Charrandass Persaud regarding the case of Ranvanlee Chan (‘Ranvanlee Chan still waiting for help’ SN, 7.5.08). Why is he getting such a royal runaround from the hospital, from the police and from the ministry of human services? This young boy should appeal to our inner feelings; after all we have children and should know how it feels. In addition, he lost his father. Are these people just heartless or just don’t care? I have known Mr Charrandass since my days at Transfiguration Lutheran School and he always had a positive outlook on life and was willing to help at all times and was very jovial. 

With regard to the letter that Mr Persuad said the New Amsterdam Hospital told him had been sent to the wrong person, I suggest that people at the top start letting their staff know that if any mail is sent to them, it is a must that they should forward it to whomever it rightfully belongs. That is not asking too much; after all it is the writers of the letters that are paying the officials with their tax dollars. Let us see people in charge take some responsibility; that is the only way things will improve.

Yours faithfully,
Amin Amirulla