Women do respect themselves

Dear Editor,

With respect to the letter written by Mr Navindo Tinsarran (‘Women don’t respect themselves’ SN 25.6.08), I agree completely with him when he says that the lyrics of many songs played publicly and privately are offensive and degrading to women, and indeed to any human being. I do however have to disagree with him when he makes the blanket statement, “women don’t respect themselves.”

I have a deep respect for myself and that of my sisters worldwide. I do not dress in a sexualized manner nor do I wear revealing clothes. I believe that I carry myself with the utmost dignity. Yet I am still subjected to crude comments when I walk down the road, and even cruder comments when I ignore those original comments. Furthermore, given your opinion that “one contributing factor to rape is the way a woman dresses,” and so on, please explain the rape of Muslim women in places like Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Iran where they predominantly wear the hijab and similar forms of dress.

Yours faithfully,
Lisa Thompson