One last stand

Dear Editor,
I have often hidden in the darkness, hoping, praying that this dear land of ours will get better; however, evil has engulfed it. I stand not afraid any more, but hopeful that it will get better, and produce a Guyana which each citizen is proud to call home. Editor, do you believe that if good men create and often condone evil, they are still good men, or are they evil?

It is time that the good men and women of Guyana take a last stand against injustice, tyranny, and other forms of corruption. Martin Luther King Jr, Jesus Christ, Mahatma Gandhi, and Nelson Mandela, all made a choice; now it is our turn to make that same choice. We must unite against a common evil that if left unchecked will make Guyana into a less desirable place.

It gives me great sorrow to write this letter, but Dr Jagan and others risked their lives to make Guyana into a place where democracy could be practised, and there was freedom of expression. However, now freedom of expression is mocked, and the rule of law is being eroded every day. We must all take one last stand, and create a better Guyana.
Yours faithfully,
David Bourne