Can’t get pension

Dear Editor,

Seeing what has been going on over the past few days as regards the entitlement of President Jagdeo when he retires at the age of forty-seven, I thought that it was high time that I let all and sundry know how I am being treated for claiming my entitlement, an infinitesimal pension after serving in the Police Force from 1946 to 1965 without a blemish on my record.

I worked as OC in all the police divisions, going at times without meals in order to do my duty and thereby wrecking my health. This forced me to go medically unfit. I have been pursuing my claim for years, but have been given the run-a-round. Surely the records in the finance department, the pay office and other records at police headquarters can vouch for my claim, unless, of course, as in many matters of this sort, they have disappeared. Because of my claim, I have received from the Ministry of Home Affairs a letter asking me to prove that I exist.

I am eighty-nine years of age, older than anyone in that ministry, and how am I going to produce witnesses when most of them are dead. The only person I can remember is the former Commissioner of Police, Mr Laurie Lewis. Maybe I have the wrong name – Fitt – the only person with that name still living in this country. Do I have to lose nineteen years of devoted service when Parliament is passing laws to give the President fantastic benefits at age 47? I hope some fair-minded person will support my claim.

Yours faithfully,
Victor J Fitt

Editor’s note
We are sending a copy of this letter to Commissioner of Police Henry Greene for any comments he might wish to make.