A case of transference

Dear Editor,

In addition to providing comic relief, the plethora of ghost writers in the letter section of the Guyana Chronicle usually wallow in a world of ignorance where it seems ’tis indeed folly to be wise. As Robin Williams pointed out (‘Guyana belongs to all of us,’ SN, July 4) Dr Tarron Khemraj is eminently qualified to discuss the subject matter he has been holding forth on, and anyone with a modicum of intelligence would clearly recognize that his discussions are cogent, relevant, pertinent, of quality and need to be taken cognisance of. But of course, when an individual such as Elizabeth Daly lacks the capacity to enter into a debate on the message, she descends to attacking the messenger. Thus she refers to an individual with a doctorate in economics as an “alleged economist.” Perhaps Ms Daly can tell readers what makes her qualified to propound on the subject matter under discussion to the extent that she dismisses someone with the highest academic credentials, who, in fact, is currently engaged in training others to become economists at an accredited academic institution.

Since she concludes that Dr Khemraj displays “failure to grasp the bigger picture of development in the developing world,” Ms Daly must indeed be a highly qualified economist specializing in  the developing world! Yet not once in any of her letters does she engage Dr Khemraj on issues.

In effect Editor, Daly ends up pointing the finger at herself, only she is so limited as to not recognize that it is she who exhibits a “strong opinionated personality and ignorant thinking.” A perfect case of transference!

Yours faithfully,
Annan Boodram