Why not a sticky yellow strip to distinguish a taxi rather than changing the colour of the whole vehicle?

Dear Editor,
I think it will be difficult for Guyanese taxi owners to change the colour of their vehicles to one uniform shade. In New York the standard colour is yellow, but when the car is not used as a taxi any more, the owner will most likely scrap it. In Guyana it will cost the owner about one hundred thousand dollars to change the colour. Some taxis may only be worth about that much, so where will they find that hundred thousand just to change the colour?

If a person buys a new car he will have to find the money to have it sprayed with the right colour, but if he then wants to sell it to someone who does not want to use it as a taxi, he would have to change the colour again. I think the best thing for Guyanese taxi owners to do would be to put a sticky yellow strip around the car, so that if the vehicle is sold then the new owner can just pull it off.

Yours faithfully,
Zakir Ally