There should be an investigation into Sangeeta Persaud’s mystery death

Dear Editor,
With respect to the press conference on Sangeeta Persaud’s mystery death, it’s unfortunate that the Chairman of the Ethnic Relations Commission would choose to make a remark to the effect that persons who know better should not use Sangeeta Persaud’s mystery death to their advantage.

Don’t we have a right to express concern about our fellow brethren? Maybe if we had done this sooner, Sangeeta would still be with us today. The fact of the matter is that we do have some very poor Hindus across this country who by virtue of their poverty become vulnerable to missionary zeal.

And one press conference on the girl’s mystery death will not resolve the myriad of issues still awaiting resolution. Let us not forget that the autopsy was inconclusive. It’s clear that if we want to bring closure to this serious problem, we need to bring all the facts to bear upon this situation. One press conference will not bring the matter to conclusion. I believe with other people that there should be an investigation into Sangeeta Persaud’s mystery death.

Yours faithfully,
Amanda Totaram