Evelyn Rayman has passed away

Dear Editor,
Evelyn Rayman, a distinguished Guyanese who was active in public life in Guyana in the 1960s has died and was cremated in Toronto, Canada on Thursday 7th October after a well attended funeral service. Writing from London, England, I hope I am not mistaken in expressing great regret that her passing should have gone so unnoticed in the media in Guyana and if I am, I hope it is not too late to see obituaries and tributes.

Evelyn was from prominent families both by marriage and birth. She held senior public appointments in Guyana. Those who know her could not have failed to acknowledge her intellectual acuity, her love of the arts, including fine arts, literature and design. On emigrating to Canada, she became active in community work in Canada, especially among Guyanese. She was beautiful in mind and appearance and was always very elegantly dressed.  She was one of our women folk in whom all of us could be truly proud.

Yours faithfully,
Prof Bishnodat Persaud