Why is heavy machinery blocking access roads in La Parfaite Harmonie?

Dear Editor,

I am a resident of La Parfaite Harmonie, and I have noticed for two weeks now that contractors have placed heavy machinery on parts of a recently built road, that is now blocked as a consequence. These streets are the main arteries into the new scheme and their blockage is seriously affecting access to homes and construction in progress.

The machinery is sitting there doing nothing, when it could be put to good use in clearing paths for better roads. Is there someone in authority who can explain why this is happening? I think these roads will be just another miserable failure like the Supenaam Stelling. It’s okay for the opposition to sit on their soft rears and claim corruption, but they must also put on their long boots and walk with the people and see the nonsense which is taking place.

Yours faithfully,
Brian Singh