No garbage collection in Middle Road La Penitence

Dear Editor,

What is happening to all the promises of cleaning the city and making it the Garden City it once was? Maybe it was only talk and no action.

I would like to raise with the City Council and persons who should be in charge of day-to-day affairs and ensure that work is being done, the matter of the collection of garbage.  I am sure the contractor (city council) has a schedule which they follow and know from which area garbage should be collected on a daily basis. I would like to know if Middle Road, La Penitence is listed on that schedule.

The reason I am asking, is that I penned a letter in the newspaper on  September 17, 2012 and the garbage truck came by only three times since that date.

Now, you have the entire Middle Road from Cemetery Road to La Penitence Market Road, with many houses on both sides of the road and people creating waste each day, and the garbage truck came only three times. The question, is, where is all the garbage being created each day going?

How can the city and surrounding areas be kept clean, if no garbage is being collected? The Christmas season is approaching very quickly and possibly 25% more garbage will be created.

In the past, the truck used to come by each week (Thursdays); now they are not coming at all. I hope someone is monitoring this at City Hall and not paying the contractor for work not being done. We as residents who pay our taxes should get the benefit that comes with this. We are asking that things be put in place by the relevant authority to re-start a weekly collection of garbage in this area.

Things are getting from bad to worse each passing day in Guyana – why?

Yours faithfully,
E Whyte

We are sending a copy of this letter to Mr Royston King, PRO of the Mayor and City Council for any comment he might wish to make.