Anti-Money Laundering bill

Dear Editor,


Taking into consideration the ongoing debates in Guyana on the Anti-Money Laundering Bill, please see attached a copy of the letter from HE Nikolay Smirnov, Ambassador of the Russian Federation to the Co-operative Republic of Guyana to the Leader of the Opposition Mr David Granger.

The letter follows:


“Dear Mr. Granger,

I am confident that the situation around the Amendment to the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism (AMLCFT) Act in Guyana has not only been on the front burner of the local political agenda but it has captured attention of countries around the region and the world.

“Largely this is due to the fact that the issue of Anti-Money Laundering is of concern to many developed countries. The issue has been actively discussed at the G8 Summit at Lough Erne, United Kingdom in June 2013 and G20 Summit in St. Petersburg, Russia in September 2013.

“From July 1, 2013 the Russian Federation has been presiding at the Financial Action Task Force (FATF). Our country strongly upholds efforts of the organization aimed at effective implementation of FATF standards and encourages other countries to take measures to ensure they meet these standards.

“I have noted concerns expressed by the Government of Guyana and various stakeholders, including Private Sector Commission and Georgetown Chamber of Commerce, international experts about the lack of agreement in the Parliament on passage of the proposed amendment to the AMLCFT Act.

Being a friend to the people of Guyana and not having any intention to take sides in this matter I hope that you as the Leader of the opposition will take into consideration the reasons expressed in favour of the bill.


“Yours faithfully,
“Nikolay Smirnov”

Yours faithfully,
Denis V Kopyl
Press Attaché of the
Russian Embassy in Guyana