Another ride?

Dear Editor,

My intuition is screaming: Something is up and in the making. And it is not good for Guyanese.

Early last week, the ruling PPP publicly disclosed its interest in being a part of a ‘National Alliance.’ This is a first sounding, and was believed to be the opening gambit. In his turn, Mr David Granger, the leader of the opposition announced that the “PPP, AFC are welcome to join coalition of national unity.” Well, well…

So here it is that in the short space of a single week, there are these very clear unmistakable signals from the hitherto main duelling contestants arcing purposefully across the Guyanese political landscape. My intuition is that the principals have already had a meeting of the minds; it might be broad and generalized at this point, but there has been some movement and willingness to compromise, to accommodate by both sides. The coincidence of still developing circumstances, convergence of thinking, and conjunction of utterances indicate a sudden sweet harmony that is too palpable to be denied. Like I said, I believe that significant steps have been taken to overcome all that stood between. What remains is for the mechanics, timelines, and disclosures to ironed-out and finalized.

The bad news (to quote a learned man) is that Guyanese citizens are in for yet another ride. Now let us wait and see.

Yours faithfully,

GHK Lall