Still waiting for NIS pension

Dear Editor,

I reached the age of retirement on October 22, 2014, having worked as an Attendant with the Ministry of Agriculture, Drainage and Irrigation Region 5, both as a public servant and as a contracted worker in the same capacity. I started working on January 10, 1994 and continued to October 22, 2014. Twenty years, ten months continuous.

I applied for my NIS pension on August 5, 2014 at Fort Wellington, and in December, I was told a grant was prepared for me. I refused and went straight to the Appeal. I am wondering what is taking the process so long when I submitted my service record, letter of retirement and income tax returns. I have 7 ‘0’ level subjects and the slothfulness in dealing with my claim is very frustrating. My NIS number is B4498481.


Yours faithfully,
Madhoo Ramcharitar

Editor’s note

We are sending a copy of this letter to Ms Dianne Lewis-Baxter, the Publicity and Public Relations Officer of NIS for any comment she might wish to make.