Officials should rectify Mackenzie High School problem soon

Dear Editor,

I am prompted to write about the water situation the teachers of Mackenzie High School are facing, after reading the Kaieteur News of February 3. The aforementioned institution was the most prestigious in the bauxite town, and now both teachers and students have to smell the obnoxious odour of excrement. The teachers can be seen on the front page of the newspaper sitting with placards in their hands and with dejected countenances. How much longer would the teachers work in an environment that is unconducive to the students and themselves? With elections in the air and the constant visits of PPP officials to their constituencies, why don’t they visit Linden and listen to the plight of those teachers and the rest of the populace and then draft a realistic plan that will impact the beleaguered town in a positive way, so we can have the chance to bask in the socio-economic and educational changes it will bring. But all this is a fantasy which cannot materialise if we cannot unite for better life for all Guyanese. To return to my point at hand, I am pleading with the relevant government officials to rectify this problem as soon as possible.

Yours faithfully,

Richard Allicock