Mrs Jagan left a rich legacy

Dear Editor,

The beautiful and tender hands that rocked the cradle of the PPP are no more. Mrs Janet Jagan, or Cde Janet as we would call her, dedicated a lifetime of struggle fighting many battles side by side with her late husband, Dr Cheddi Jagan, for Guyana’s freedom and democracy.

It is well known that wherever there is a great man there is a great woman behind such a man. Dr Cheddi Jagan was great and a genius in many fields. Mrs Janet Jagan was a matching partner for him. She was one of the greatest female politicians, the greatest female dreamer, the greatest female visionary and the greatest female thinker Guyana and the Caribbean ever produced.

Mrs Jagan stood as a tower of strength supporting Dr Cheddi Jagan in his struggle to better the cause of the working class, the farmers, the progressive business community, the progressive intelligentsia and all of progressive Guyana. Along with her husband and others she formed the PAC in 1946. In 1950 when the PPP was born, Mrs Jagan with great care nurtured and rocked the cradle of the PPP with her beautiful and tender hands.

It took a lifetime of hard and difficult struggle on the part of herself and her husband to make the PPP what it is today. If Dr Cheddi Jagan is considered the father of the PPP and Guyana, then Mrs Janet Jagan without any doubt is the mother of the PPP and the Guyanese nation.

I should like to express my great gratitude and thanks to Mrs Jagan for her sterling contribution to the struggle for Guyana’s independence, democracy and development. While the passing of Cde Janet is a great loss to the PPP and Guyana, we have to take solace in the fact that she and  Dr Jagan have left behind a rich legacy for the PPP and Guyana.

Yours faithfully,
Sewkarran Nauhu