Caribbean New Yorker did not support Obama during election campaign

Dear Editor,

I find Mr Vishnu Bisram’s tone condescending and insulting in his letter (KN, June 9) under the caption ‘Muslims should embrace Obama’s message.’

Who gave Mr Bisram the right to ask Muslims to embrace President Barack Obama’s message? For the record, Mr Bisram may want to check the archives of The Caribbean New Yorker where he is the “Diplomatic Editor” (whatever that means). The records will show that the Caribbean New Yorker did not carry a single positive article about Barack Obama during the entire election campaign from the Democratic primaries through to the day of the presidential election.
What he will find, however, are several letters from Muslims including yours truly, who not only wrote openly in support for Barack H. Obama, but took the Caribbean New Yorker to task for their anti-black and anti-Muslim rhetoric. Furthermore, if Mr Bisram had undertaken any polls in the Muslim communities anywhere in Richmond Hill, NY, across the US or in any majority Muslim country, he would have found that Barack H. Obama had and still has the overwhelming support of the Muslims.

Mr Bisram would like us all to believe that he has always been a supporter of President Obama. The truth is he only became one after the election was won.    

Yours faithfully,
Mohamed Z Rahaman