Fidel Castro appearances blur Cuba reform questions

HAVANA, (Reuters) – Former Cuban President Fidel  Castro turns 84  yesterday, back in the limelight with a  barrage of public appearances and nuclear war prophecies that  raise questions about his influence on the socialist-ruled  island.

But opinions are divided about whether his flurry of  appearances since July 7, breaking four years of seclusion  after a 2006 illness, will help or hinder prospects for change  in one of the world’s last one-party communist states.

For the last six weeks, Cubans have gaped and foreign  diplomats and analysts scratched their heads as the historic  leader of the revolution emerged from a long period in the  shadows to preach dire warnings of a nuclear apocalypse to  local economists, diplomats, intellectuals and lawmakers.

Castro in 2008 formally handed over the Cuban presidency to  his younger brother, Raul Castro, who is 79, but he retains his  post as first secretary of the powerful Cuban Communist Party.

Before the latest appearances, intestinal surgery in 2006  and illness reduced his sightings to glimpses in photos and  videos meeting guests at home, and to a stream of written  essays, mainly on world affairs, published by state media.

Images of a relatively healthy and lucid Castro dressed in  his trademark military olive green flashed across world TV  screens on Saturday when he read a short live speech before the  National Assembly, diplomatic corps and foreign journalists.

Castro called on U.S. President Barack Obama to avert a  nuclear war by not enforcing U.N. sanctions aimed at  controlling Iran’s nuclear activities through inspection of  Iranian cargo ships. He asserts Tehran would respond to such an  inspection attempt by sinking the U.S. fleet, triggering a  conflict he earnestly urges world leaders to avoid.

These headline-grabbing utterances have stolen the  spotlight from his more low-key brother Raul, causing many to  ask who is calling the shots in Cuba’s secretive leadership.

“There has been much speculation as to what Fidel Castro is  up to. Some speculate that he and his brother Raul have divided  tasks and duties: Raul will handle domestic affairs, Fidel  foreign policy. But that seems most unlikely,” said Wayne  Smith, a former U.S. diplomat who opened the U.S. Interests  Section in Havana during the Carter administration.

One communist party cadre, who asked not to be named, said  Fidel Castro was strengthening his brother’s government at a  difficult moment both in domestic and foreign policy.


“Fidel’s presence has two objectives: to back Raul’s  efforts to modernize the economy by showing he is still very  much around and therefore approves, and to counter the negative  international media coverage we received over human rights this  year by shifting attention to the United States’ two soft  spots, war and the environment,” the official said.

Raul Castro’s government suffered foreign condemnation  earlier this year following the hunger strike death in jail of  a dissident prisoner. In a deal last month with the Roman  Catholic Church, it agreed to release 52 political prisoners.

Most observers agree Castro is in no condition to govern as  he did for nearly half a century.

In an interview on Sunday with visiting Venezuelan  journalists, he himself suggested that his role was largely  advisory or consultative.

“My role is to say what is happening so that others can  decide what to do. You have to understand that the comrades (in  government) are not people I can lead by the hand, what I want  is for them to think things over,” Castro said.

Castro’s birthday has traditionally been a low key  affair,  though no one is taking bets these days that he won’t appear  cutting a cake with a few hundred children, as he sometimes did  before taking ill.

Some observers fear that the elder Castro’s more active  presence, even though it may not translate into direct  interference, could still slow Raul Castro’s cautious efforts  to revive the moribund socialist economy by encouraging more  open policy debate and more individual initiative.

Few doubt that Fidel Castro’s steely “Socialism or Death”  mantra put a brake on economic reforms initiated in the 1990s.

“He does not need to strain himself with an executive role,  since he gets to give advice and who in hell is going to say  ‘no thanks’ to his advice,” said one western businessman with  interests in Cuba, who asked not to be named.

“Everything will take longer than it otherwise would and  only lowest common denominator measures will be approved”.

By and large, many Cubans have welcomed their comandante’s  comeback with the respect and affection one might bestow on a  wise old grandfather home after a prolonged hospital stay.

“I don’t know what impressed me more. Seeing Fidel again  speaking to the country and world, or his vision of what  humanity faces,” school teacher Maria Julia Roche said in a  telephone interview from Eastern Holguin province.

But many young people in Havana were too busy enjoying  their summer vacation to pay much attention, and some opponents  were openly scornful. Cuban dissident blogger Yoani Sanchez  called him “a stuttering old man with quivering hands” in an  opinion piece published by the Washington Post.