Last lap

I’m watching the final stretch of a race. Some of the athletes look fatigued and drained while others look composed and as fresh as can be. Gosh, it’s like they have hardly broken a sweat. I see some athletes in this race now picking up pace. Wow, they didn’t even seem to hear the bell signalling the final lap. Am I glad that I am no longer in this race? You bet!

December is here already and it seems as if the year 2010 flew by. Gosh, where did the days go?
There are 27 more days remaining in the year to do all that you would have set out to do during the year and have so far failed to accomplish; 27 more days to join the gym; eat healthy; get the girl/guy, get married; buy the car; finish building the dream house; change the job, go to mosque, temple or church more.

It’s still possible to end the year with a powerful late surge to claim the prize. Very often the winner of a race is never ahead coming to the finish. But then he or she comes from behind and finishes strongly. These races are often the most exciting and memorable.

I’ve been thinking about this past year, remembering all that I had set out to achieve from January 1. There have been some successes but I’ve also been seriously reflecting on all those lovely goals that I failed to achieve. However, I won’t be pressuring myself to make a last ditch effort to achieve those goals that I would have failed to meet. Automatically, as in the past I am tempted to transfer all the unfulfilled goals to next year’s list of ‘things to be accomplished’ but I’m slowly having a change of heart.

I have embraced a new philosophy of taking it one day at a time. I still firmly believe in developing long-term plans but the reality is that life is unpredictable.  And I mean really unpredictable. There are some things that may happen that we have absolutely no control over, no matter how concrete our plan seems to be. So I’m going to take it one day at a time since it makes my life far simpler and more manageable. Right now I only have one goal and that is to enjoy my Christmas. Besides the horrible commercialization of the season it is simply the very best time of the year!!!

And after the Christmas season, I’ll dedicate myself to encouraging those who are passionately trying to achieve their goals for this year before 11:59 pm on December 31, 2010. (