Man charged with murder of Bedi Ramjeiwan

A twenty-three-year-old man was today remanded for the murder of Industry businessman Bedi Ramjeiwan who was shot last week after being beaten severely in the head with a helmet.

Edward Skeete
Edward Skeete
Edward Skeete of Independence Boulevard was remanded to prison by Magistrate Judy Latchman when he appeared before her at the Sparendaam Magistrate’s Court. The unrepresented man is to make another appearance in court on May 27.

Last Wednesday at around 11am Ramjeiwan, 38, was returning home in his car when he was confronted by two men along Crown Dam, Industry, on the East Coast of Demerara. He was beaten about his head with a motor cycle helmet and shot to his chest. It is believed that the businessman was relieved of a bag with money as well as a quantity of gold jewellery. A “dark green bag,” which perpetrators were seen with while leaving the crime scene, was a deposit bag from the city bank which Ramjeiwan visited an hour and a half before his death on Wednesday morning.